Meditopia Guide

What does science say about meditation?

In the past years, as meditation and mindfulness have become more popular, hundreds of studies have been conducted to look at their impact and some common findings emerged. One such study noted that after practicing meditation regularly every day for eight weeks, the part of the brain that makes decisions, regulates challenging emotions, and empathizes became stronger. Additionally, the number of cells in the region of the brain responsible for memory increased.In other words, individuals who practiced meditation every day for eight weeks were able to remain calmer under stressful situations, make more rational decisions, and approach themselves and others with more understanding.When meditation is practiced long term, the limbic system--the part of the brain associated with emotional regulation--becomes less active. You become much less likely to overreact or experience sudden explosions of anger, fear, or anxiety.It's been clinically supported that regular meditation has beneficial effects on individuals experiencing chronic stress, depression, sleep and anxiety disorders as well.For more detailed information on the effects of meditation in general, you can check out our related blog article: you'd like to read more about the effects of meditation on our brain and body, you can check out this related article:

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