Looking for wellness gift ideas for employees? Then you understand that having a job is not only an economical transaction. This is where we spend, at least, 8 hours of our day almost for our entire lives. So expecting someone to stay happily forever in a place that doesn't recognize his/her worth, is utopic.

It’s through the people's involvement, passion, and creativity that organizations can exist, sustain and improve their success. Therefore, taking initiatives to enhance employees’ well-being with health and wellness gifts impacts their motivation and functioning. 

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Best Wellness Gifts

Sleep Hygiene Box

Sleep is a crucial part of our well-being. Studies support that in addition to its effects on cognitive skills such as decision-making, attention, and learning, sleep deprivation can also cause an increase in stress and depressive symptoms. 

Sleep hygiene can be defined as the rules and methods that we apply to improve our sleep quality. A vast majority of research indicates that good sleep hygiene is associated with better sleep quality, contributing to our overall well-being. 

Employing sleep hygiene training or distributing informational handouts can help you create awareness within the workplace. If you're looking for thoughtful wellness gifts for your team, include products that support their sleep quality, such as lavender tea and essential oils.

Wellness Journal

Writing has a healing impact on us. Taking note of our goals, ideas, experiences, thoughts, and emotions helps us cultivate awareness of ourselves. This way, we can reflect on our lives and keep track of our well-being. 

Journals not only help us process our thoughts, but they also keep us inspired and motivated. 

There are various wellness journals such as dream journals, stoic journals, artistic journals, food journals, gratitude journals, and much more. You can also partner with a mental health brand to craft a unique journal for your team.

health and wellness gifts

The Gift of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of purposefully bringing your attention to the present moment to witness what is there without making judgments. 

When it comes to the benefits of mindfulness, research provides promising findings. Mindfulness is an effective tool to manage chronic pain, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, treat chronic stress, improve sleep quality, and enhance attention. 

Mindfulness-based programs (MBPs) are generally conducted as a group lasting for several weeks. Some examples include Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.

MBSR was found to be an effective intervention for people experiencing chronic physical problems, and MBCT was found to be an effective intervention for people with depressive symptoms. Since these programs improve certain mental conditions, it is a good idea to conduct a needs assessment, define your target group, and then employ the right MBP.

Remote Working Kit

The number of organizations that switch to remote working is increasing every day. Though it has many benefits, employees can feel isolated while working from home or in a cafe. A remote working kit is one of the favorite health and wellness gifts because it reminds your employees that you are eager to improve their working conditions. It also conveys that they are a part of an organization that values their well-being.

A remote working kit can include any items that will enhance your employees' working experience and sense of belonging. A notebook, a branded water bottle, a t-shirt with your logo, a couple of comfy socks, a collage with team photos, nutritious snacks, and so on.

wellness gift ideas

Virtual Fitness Membership

Physical activity is one of the most significant determinants of overall well-being. It promotes both physical and mental health, contributing to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improving cognitive skills. And yet, according to The World Health Organization, around 1.4 billion adults are not sufficiently active. 

Encouraging employees to move their bodies is possible in various ways. For example, you can send a daily notification that reminds them to sit up and move around for a while through your communication channels, or you can start each day with a 15-minute yoga session. Organizing company activities and playing various sports is another way to promote physical activity while strengthening team bonding.

Offering a virtual fitness membership is a great wellness gift idea for employees. Through online programs and assisted videos, individuals can move their bodies in a way that matches their personal needs. Another benefit is that they can exercise whenever and wherever they want to. This will help them sustain an active lifestyle.

health and wellness gifts

Self-Care Box

Self-care is the fuel for both personal and professional vitality. It's how we find the energy and motivation to make it happen in everything we do in our daily lives. The same applies to our working life. Professional vitality is needed for meeting one's requirements of their role as well as taking up new challenges and initiatives.

A self-care box can take many forms depending on your goal. The first step is to determine how you want these gifts to benefit your employees. Start by understanding your employees' needs. If your goal is to help them pamper themselves, you can include a bath bomb set in the box. If your goal is to help your employees ease the tension in their bodies, you can include a massage ball in the box.

Personal Coaching Services

Employees need support along the way. Whether they feel overwhelmed by intense emotions or struggle with time management, career planning, or procrastination, a personal coach can help them improve their situation. 

Personal coaching services have become one significant benefit for attracting talent and sustaining the well-being of employees.

A personal coach can guide and support your employees as they go through difficult times and resolve their work-related issues. Becoming a mentally resilient individual is easier with a helper. Providing your employees with personal coaching services is a unique way of demonstrating your care for them.

Inspirational Desk Calendar

Affirmations and quotes have the power to develop a mentally resilient mindset. They enable embracing the change we want to see in ourselves. So, we can be productive and maintain our motivation to work while prioritizing self-care and staying inspired.

A desk calendar crafted for your team is a great gift to keep the spirit up. You can include:

  • Photos of your team.
  • Motivational quotes from famous people.
  • Some inside jokes and sayings.

This way, your employees can remember that you value them every time they go through their schedules.

wellness gifts

Wellness Platform Subscriptions

Many wellness platforms are offering different services to their members. These include applications that help individuals build healthy habits such as meditating, staying hydrated, moving their bodies, and sleeping better.

You know your employees more than anyone. Track their current needs and provide them with the right subscriptions to improve their situation. Most platforms offer crafted packages for companies. Subscription gifts for your employees are one of the best ways to promote a continuing well-being culture within your organization.

Self-Care Leave Check

Suppose an employee shows up to work with a migraine. They wouldn’t be able to function at their best. Moreover, they would now carry the burden of fulfilling their responsibilities even though it is physically impossible for them to do so carefully. 

Mental health is no different than physical health—mental or physical healing requires disconnection and making time for rest. Employees experience anxiety, depression, manic episodes, or sometimes it is just overwhelming, and they need a little space to figure some things out.

Self-care leave checks remind employees that you support them through their emotional struggles. When their organizations are on their side, employees feel valued and assured that there are no negative consequences to taking care of themselves.