Meditation For Sleep

Why we can’t sleep

Sleep is a crucial part of our lives even though it doesn’t necessarily require much of our effort. In some cases or for some people, this effortless activity can be difficult. There are many people who aren’t able to get a good night’s sleep and it can have detrimental effects on physical and mental well-being. Although the reasons for sleep disorders change from person to person, there are several common triggers.

Our diet, the amount of exercise we get during the day, our stress and anxiety levels, our mental health in general, and our sleep habits can have incremental effects on sleep troubles.


Insomnia is one sleep disorder that can be a source of difficulty when it comes to falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting quality sleep. Insomnia can be a side effect stemming from emotional, neurological, or medical conditions or it can also be a disorder on its own. Insomnia hinders the effects of a good night’s sleep and can therefore cause issues with maintaining focus and completing daily activities.

Insomnia can occur for short periods of time or for longer periods such as one to three months. As the reason for insomnia can be dependent on other important factors, a professional might be better equipped to mitigate the effects of insomnia. It should also be noted that insomnia is a critical disorder and for the diagnosis and treatment, the help of a professional is required.

At times, we may find ourselves sacrificing sleep, going to bed late so that we can study or work more. We tend to underestimate the self-care routines that can actually improve our well-being by keeping us grounded and preparing us for the upcoming days. Arguably, one of the most crucial routines we can have is the one in which we maintain our sleep schedule. Sleeping is not only the ability to achieve a state of calm and relaxation, it also has a direct impact on our mood, memory, and immune system. It’s a vital time for our brains to sort out all the information that it’s received throughout the day. That’s why helping our bodies prepare for high quality sleep is something that we should prioritize even during our most stressful and busy days.

Whether you have a difficult time sleeping or not, relaxation methods such as meditation can improve your sleep quality, making it easier to fall asleep by reducing the heart rate and increasing melatonin levels. You can practice sleep meditations available in Meditopia as well as some body-scan meditations that can bring you that sense of calmness and relaxation.

There are also other methods and routines that you can create in order to calm your mind and prepare for sleep. Here are a few tips that you can try for a good night’s sleep:

  • Stay away from the screen before bed

The blue light of technological devices complicates and decreases the production of melatonin at night. So, you can turn on “Night Shift” mode, which automatically reduces blue light, as well as schedule downtime to spend less time on your phone before bed.

  • If it relaxes you, listen to calming music

Listening to classical music or nature sounds can decrease your heart rate and help you relax. You can find both sleep and nature sounds on the Meditopia app.

  • Light some candles in order to create a peaceful atmosphere

In addition to listening to music, you can enhance the calmness of your space by lighting some candles. You may find it easier to fall asleep by dimming the lights beforehand.

  • Practice the sleep meditations in Meditopia

After setting up the perfect relaxed environment, a great way to end the day can be through meditation. By letting go of all that has happened throughout the day and just feeling present in your existence, you can be ready to end the day by dedicating yourself to a restful sleep meditation.

  • Try to set up a sleep schedule by waking up and going to bed at the same time every day

A regular sleep schedule can help you stay grounded as well as give you a sense of control over your well-being. By waking up and going to sleep at the same time every day, your body will soon know your routine and naturally begin to facilitate falling asleep.

  • Try reading or writing in your journal

For some people, reading or writing before bed can be very therapeutic as it offers a way to express your emotions and thoughts. You may want to add this to your nightly routine after a few tries.

  • Be mindful about what you eat and drink before bed

Eating too much or drinking caffeine just before bed isn’t the best way to prepare your body for a long rest. You can decide a time when you pause eating and drinking except for water, seeing whether it has an impact on your quality of sleep the next day.

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