There’s no doubt about it: leadership is hard work and there are so many theories, courses, and tips out there asking us to lead in a particular way. And while leadership naturally asks us to evolve, pivot, and renegotiate what that role means and how it should be executed, we also have to make sure we’re carving out time to rest and replenish ourselves.

With so many tasks, long and short-term responsibilities, fostering a healthy work environment and supporting employees, attending to our own needs as leaders can fall by the wayside. So, let’s take a look at business leadership tips for resting, replenishing, and renewing your energy so that you can feel better and better lead. 

Why Good Leadership Is Key in Business

Before jumping into the leadership tips, let's first understand why it's so important to be a good leader in the business context. Essentially, good leadership is a cornerstone of business success, impacting everything from team morale to organizational growth. Effective leaders set clear strategic direction, foster open communication, and inspire motivation within their teams.

According to McKinsey, companies that prioritize leadership development and have strong leadership are 60% more likely to achieve sustainable growth by regularly reallocating resources to higher-return projects. These organizations consistently outperform competitors who lack similar leadership structures​.

Research from DDI also reveals that employees who trust their leaders are 5.3 times more likely to innovate, which highlights the importance of leadership tips that focus on building trust and strong communication channels​.

Good leadership is also about fostering a motivated team. Leaders who recognize and appreciate the contributions of their employees create a positive work environment that drives engagement and reduces turnover. That's why providing leadership advice on maintaining regular feedback loops, recognizing achievements, and offering growth opportunities is crucial in creating a motivated workforce that drives business forward.

Proven Business Leadership Tips

Improving leadership at work requires a combination of strategy, communication, and empathy to inspire and guide teams toward success. Here are 10 proven leadership tips to help you refine your skills and lead effectively:

1. Identify What Drains You

In an article for Inc., Executive Chairman and Co-Founder of Nav, Levi King describes, “emotional and psychological energies as metaphorical buckets, one in each had, filled with water.” King goes on to note that, “When my buckets are empty, I’m not going to be as thoughtful, and my decision making isn’t going to be as sharp.” So, what empties your buckets? Maybe it’s enforcing unnecessary policies like strict dress codes or unwieldy payment processes. Identifying what’s draining allows you the space to delegate, and to create space to rest, which is why it’s the essential first step. 

2. Delegate to be Great

Once you’ve identified what depletes your emotional and psychological energies, it’s time to delegate and improve your leadership guidance skills. If you’ve got policies and procedures that cannot be adjusted or changed, that are essential to the operation of the business, but eat up all your time and energy, you’ve got to delegate those responsibilities.

In a Forbes article, Founder of UassistME.CO, Alfredo Atanacio explains that, “How well you delegate is directly reflected in how empowered your employees feel, which strengthens their skills, their decision-making abilities and, ultimately, their productivity.” So, while distributing the work is not only beneficial to the work environment as a whole, it also frees up space for you to innovate and rest as you need to. It’s important to develop a culture of trust by fostering the growth and leadership skills of your employees just as you trust in your own growth and ability to lead.

3. Communicate Transparently and Often

Open communication is crucial in effective leadership practices. Share important updates, challenges, and progress with your team regularly. This leadership tip ensures that employees feel informed and engaged in the company’s direction, which increases trust and helps align individual efforts with organizational goals. Weekly or bi-weekly team meetings are a great way to foster this transparency.

4. Schedule Breaks

Think about the quality of leadership you seek to model. There is a dangerous lure within our capitalistic society to work ourselves to the bone, to relish being able to demonstrate how hard you can grind to get the job done. It’s even sometimes seen as a badge of pride to relinquish sleep in favor of completing a task. There are also leaders who may get to bed on time, but cannot get a good night’s sleep due to work-related issues.

The Center for Creative Leadership reports that, “nearly 1 out of 4 [leaders] reported that work-related issues kept them awake at least a few nights a week [...] In the study, the inability to psychologically detach from work was one of the biggest predictors of sleep problems,” which further emphasizes the need for a scheduled sleep routine.

5. Provide Constructive Feedback and Coaching

Regular feedback helps employees stay on track and understand where they can improve. Offer constructive coaching sessions that focus on growth rather than criticism. Effective feedback fosters a culture of learning and development, improving both individual performance and overall team efficiency.

6. Be Gentle With Yourself

Even when dealing with how to deliver bad news, it's important to understand that leadership isn’t formulaic, it’s complex and ever-evolving, which is part of why it’s so difficult. As a leader you have to embrace push-back, learn, and grow just like your employees. You’re going to mess it up sometimes and that’s okay. Give yourself room to take a step back, rest, and try again.

The most powerful leaders are both reflective and fallible. You are human, after all. Replenishing your energy means that you have to care enough about yourself to do so, to practice self-compassion. You can ask for support, seek rest, and still lead. 

7. Foster Innovation and Creativity

Encourage your team to think outside the box by creating an environment that nurtures innovation. As a leader, give employees the freedom to explore new ideas, experiment, and take calculated risks. This culture of innovation keeps your business competitive and forward-thinking.

You can implement mental health days at work to offer them days to relax and come back with fresh ideas, try mental health games, or create monthly innovative challenges to do this.

8. Adapt to Change and Be Flexible

This is one of the simplest leadership tips you can get, but also one of the most challenging ones. The ability to pivot and adapt to changing market conditions or unexpected challenges is a key leadership skill that inspires, but if we struggle with change it can become a rough time for us and the employees.

Demonstrate flexibility and openness to new ideas, as well as resilience in the face of setbacks. By showing that you can adapt, you inspire confidence in your management abilities and encourage the team to stay agile.

9. Set SMART Goals for Your Team

Effective leaders know the importance of setting clear, achievable goals. Use the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to provide clear direction and purpose. This leadership advice helps in keeping the team aligned with the company’s broader vision while also setting realistic expectations.

10. Empathy as a Core Leadership Quality

Great leaders lead with empathy, understanding the unique challenges their employees face. By showing empathy, you build deeper connections with your team, which fosters loyalty and improves engagement.

In this context, being a empathic leader does not mean "being soft" or "spoiling" your team. It's about genuinely caring for them, doing your best to understand, offer solutions, and make decisions that leadto a more cohesive and motivated workforce.

Effective Methods to Strengthen Leadership Skills

So, now that you know the basics, how can you improve it? Below are concrete methods to help leaders enhance their leadership abilities and foster effective leadership practices:

  • Invest in Leadership Training: Continuous education is vital for leadership development. Take advantage of Meditopia leadership workshops, coaching, and certifications that focus on key areas like influence, communication, and emotional intelligence. Leadership training programs help sharpen existing skills while introducing new, effective leadership practices. The same occurs with sensitivity training, which is essential to develop empathy at work.
  • Cultivate a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset means embracing challenges, learning from criticism, and viewing failures as opportunities to improve. Leaders who actively seek growth are better equipped to handle adversity and inspire their teams to do the same. Incorporating this mindset into daily practice is a top leadership tip of the day for any leader looking to improve.
  • Mindful Leadership Practices: Integrating mindfulness and emotional intelligence into leadership practices helps leaders stay calm under pressure, make better decisions, and be more attuned to their team’s emotional states. Regular mindfulness training or workshops on emotional intelligence can provide leaders with a deeper understanding of their emotional triggers and improve their resilience.
  • Systems Thinking Approach: A powerful method to strengthen leadership is mastering systems thinking. Leaders should understand the interconnectedness of different departments, market forces, and company operations. This method helps leaders see beyond their immediate team and make decisions that benefit the entire organization, preventing siloed thinking.

Key Takeaways

  • Leadership can be draining, and prioritizing rest and replenishment is necessary for sustained success.
  • Leaders who do not prioritize rest are at risk of burnout, negatively affecting their decision-making and overall effectiveness.
  • Delegating tasks allows team members to build their skills and enhances their decision-making, ultimately improving organizational productivity.
  • Regular check-ins and updates keep everyone informed, which boosts engagement and fosters a sense of belonging.

Proven Business Leadership Tips: FAQs

How can I identify what specifically drains my energy as a leader?

To identify what drains your energy as a leader, start by tracking your day-to-day activities and interactions. Look for patterns in tasks that cause fatigue or stress, such as handling conflicts, attending long meetings, or managing excessive workloads. Self-reflection and journaling can be useful tools, and seeking leadership guidance through coaching or feedback can help you gain a clearer picture.

What are some quick relaxation techniques I can use during a busy day?

To quickly relax during a busy day, try techniques such as deep breathing exercises, which calm the nervous system in a few minutes, or progressive muscle relaxation, where you tense and release each muscle group to release stress. Another leadership tip of the day is taking short breaks to practice mindfulness or meditation using apps like Meditopia, which offer short guided sessions.

What tools or apps can help with scheduling rest and managing tasks effectively?

Apps like Todoist and Asana help leaders manage tasks efficiently by organizing to-do lists and setting deadlines. For scheduling rest and ensuring breaks, apps like Time Out or Pomodoro remind you to take regular, short breaks, which improve focus and productivity. Leadership recommendations emphasize the importance of structured rest to maintain energy and avoid burnout. Integrating these tools into your routine can help improve effective leadership practices.

How can new leaders quickly implement these tips in their role?

Leadership tips for new leaders include starting with small, manageable changes like setting clear goals and delegating tasks early on. Focus on establishing effective communication and building trust with your team. New leaders can also implement quick wins by using task management tools and incorporating regular feedback loops to ensure alignment with the team’s goals. The key is to prioritize self-awareness and continuous improvement while applying business leadership tips.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my leadership strategies?

Measuring the effectiveness of your leadership strategies can be done through several methods, including gathering feedback from team members and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as team productivity, employee engagement, employee satisfaction, and goal achievement. Regularly reviewing these metrics, combined with qualitative insights from employee satisfaction surveys, helps assess how well your strategies are working. Leadership advice suggests making adjustments based on this feedback to continuously evolve and refine your approach.