Using the power of 1-1 personalized care
to support the team's well-being

When your team prospers, so does your company. Meditopia's goal is to offer them personalized mental health support so they can feel better every day and achieve their maximum potential at work, despite their daily personal and work challenges.

Our experts support your team in diverse mental and emotional afflictions

Our therapists are licensed in different areas of psychological and emotional expertise and provide support in a wide range of emotions and ailments such as anxiety, burnout, lack of motivation, depression, and others.

How 1-1 Personalized Care Works

When your team prospers, so does your company. Meditopia's goal is to offer them personalized mental health support so they can feel better every day and achieve their maximum potential at work, despite their daily personal and work challenges.
step 1
Start with a self-assessment
Complete the health assessment.
step 2
Match with your expert
We will match you with the best expert according to your goals and needs.(Don’t forget all your online sessions either live or chat, are encrypted on Meditopia’s platform.)
step 3
Set your 1-1 session schedule
Review your expert’s schedule and arrange your first call.
step 4
Download the app
Download the app to access your personalized mindfulness program, and stay in contact with your expert.

We support people in their own language

We continuously improve and culturally adapt our content through localization based on the preferred language of our users, making advice, sessions, stories, and meditations more relatable through culturally familiar insights. Available in 12 languages.

Keep track of your emotions and grow

People have access to their tracking insights to gain a broader understanding of their emotions and inner processes.
More companies are experiencing the new era of mental health with Meditopia. Talk to an advisor now, and transform your company from within.
Speak to an advisor today and transform your company